Taking time to organize your pantry may not be a priority, but you should consider it. It is a great way to end clutter and save money! (Organizing always involves saving money.) If you take the time to get a good organizational system going in the pantry, you can keep track of pantry supplies, avoid over purchasing of products or know when to replenish your stock, and keep fresh spices handy.


So if multiple open boxes of pasta or rice and jars of clumped spices sound familiar, try some of these tips to help purge that pantry.

  1. Purge – Take everything out of your pantry and sort into items used daily, items used less frequently, items to be donated, and items to be trashed. (To find a local food bank, check feedingamerica.org). If you do have some FRESHLY OPENED bread tied bags of rice or open boxes of pasta, you can place them in re-sealable containers to keep them fresh and keep the bugs at bay (plastic containers, mason jars, etc.) . Make sure to label them – contents and date!
  2. Scrub – Now that there is nothing in the pantry, clean it up. Wipe down the shelves; buy extra containers or organizers to corral spice jars, etc.
  3. Restock – Now it’s time to refill the pantry in an organized fashion. For example put baking items in one section and breakfast items in another. Keep kids snacks in one area so they don’t make a mess on the other shelves searching for fruit cups or packs of crackers. Put heavy things on the bottom shelf (this could save a few toes). Put daily used items at eye level so you can find them easily and know when you are running low.

With these tips you can have a pantry that is more functional and saves you money.  But maybe you don’t have time to do all of this yourself. Though Signature Closets can’t help you stock your pantry, they can meet with you to discuss your needs and help create an organized pantry. Call today for a FREE consultation!

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